How to Make Money on YouTube: A Beginner’s Guide

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Welcome to our beginners guide on how to make money on YouTube- In today digital age, YouTube has become the most popular platform with billions of users all over the world, that is made for sharing video and, connecting with a global audience. But did you know that, you can also earn money from your YouTube channel? Whether you love creating vlog, showcasing your musical talent or, sharing educational content, monetizing your YouTube channel can help you turn your passion, into a profitable venture.

In this article we will tell you the ways on how you can monetize your YouTube channel step by step. We will explain the different way you can use to earn money on YouTube, discuss the requirements and, eligibility criteria and, provide practical tips and strategies to help you succeed in making money from your channel.

First we will explain the YouTube Partner Program which is the main way to monetize your channel. We’ll cover the criteria you need to meet such as having at least 1000 subscriber and, 4000 watch hour in the past 12 months. We’ll also discuss how to set up an AdSense account to start earning money from ads, that are displayed on your videos.

If you re new to YouTube or looking to start monetizing your existing channel. This guide is for you. We’ll break down the process into simple step and, explain everything in plain language. The goal is to help you understand how to make money on YouTube and provide you with the tools and, knowledge you need to succeed.


When looking for the way on “how to make money on YouTube. Here are some frequently asked questions related to making money on YouTube that you can also read and consider.

1. How to create YouTube channel

2. How do YouTubers make money?

3. What are the requirements to monetize a YouTube channel?

4. How can I grow my YouTube channel to increase earnings?

Before you can start making money on YouTube, you will need to create a YouTube channel first. I will described and, outline the step to create a YouTube channel. Once your channel is set up you can then focus on building your audience, creating high-quality content and, exploring various monetization method to generate income, from your YouTube channel.

Creating a YouTube channel is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Sign in to YouTube. Visit the YouTube website, ( and click on the Sign In” button located at the top right corner, of the page. Sign in, using your Google account. But If you don’t have a Google account, you need to create one before proceeding.

2. Access YouTube Studio: Once signed in, click on the profile icon at the top right corner of your page. From the drop-down menu, select “YouTube Studio.

3. Create a new channel: In YouTube Studio you will click on the Create” button located on the left sidebar. A pop-up window will appear. Choose the Get started” option under “to create new channel.

4. Choose a channel name: You’ll be prompted to choose a name for your channel. That name will be displaying on your YouTube videos, and channel page. You can also use your real name or, a unique channel name that reflect the content you plan to create.

5. Customize your channel: After selecting a name, you can customize your channel appearance. Add a profile picture and, cover art that represent your channel. You can also add a channel description, to provide an overview of your content.

6. Create your first video: With your channel set up, you’re ready to create your first video. Click on the “Create” button in YouTube Studio, and select “Upload videos” to upload pre-recorded content or use the “Go live” option to stream live content directly to your channel. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload or create your video.

 7. Optimize video details: When uploading a video, provide relevant details such as, the title, description, tags and category. This information help viewers find your content through search, and recommendations. You can also set a thumbnail image for your video to make it visually appealing.

YouTubers can make money through various method, primarily by monetizing their content, and building a strong audience. These are some common way that a YouTubers generate income.


Advertisements play a significant role in generating income for a YouTuber. Once a YouTuber meet the eligibility criteria, they can join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), and enable ads on their videos. YouTube display ad before, during or after their videos and, YouTubers earn a portion of the ad revenue based on factors like ad impression, viewer engagement and, ad format. The more views, and engagement their videos receive, that is the more potential revenue they can generate from ads.

YouTube premium

In addition to ads, YouTube offer a premium subscription service called YouTube Premium. Subscribers pay a monthly fee to watch videos without seeing ads. YouTubers receive a portion of the revenue generated from YouTube Premium subscriptions based on the watch time their content receives from premium subscribers. This provides an alternative source of income for YouTubers and encourages them to produce content that appeals to premium subscribers.

Sponsorships and brand deals

Sponsorships and brand deals are another common way for a YouTuber to make money. Many YouTubers collaborate with brands and, promote their product or services in their video. This can involve product placements, sponsorships or dedicated brand deals. Brands may pay YouTubers directly or provide them with free products or services in exchange for exposure to their audience. The amount of money earned from sponsorships can vary widely depending on factors such as, the size of the YouTuber’s audience, the brands budget and, the nature of the collaboration.

Merchandise sales

YouTubers often leverage their popularity by creating and, selling their own merchandise. They design and sell branded product such as clothe, accessories or other item that related to their channel. This can be done through e-commerce platform, such as their own websites or third-party services. Merchandise sales provide additional revenue stream for a YouTuber while also allowing them to connect with their fans on a more personal level.

Crowd funding 

Crowdfunding has become increasingly popular among YouTubers. Platform like PatreonKo-fi or Kickstarter enable fans to support their favorite creators, by making regular contribution or one-time donation. In return for their support, fans may receive exclusive content early access to video, behind-the-scene footage or other perks. Crowdfunding allow YouTuber to establish a direct relationship with their audience and provide additional value to their most dedicated fans.

YouTube Channel Memberships

Some YouTuber take advantage of YouTube Channel Memberships” feature. This feature enable YouTubers to offer paid subscriptions to their channels. Subscribers gain access to members-only perks like exclusive content, badges, emojis or community posts. The revenue generated from channel membership provide a recurring income stream for a YouTubers while fostering a sense of community among their most loyal fans.

Affiliate marketing

Lastly affiliate marketing is a common strategy employed by YouTubers. They can put affiliate links in their video description or promote a product or services using unique referral code. When viewers make a purchases through their affiliate link, YouTubers earn a commission. This method allow them to monetize their influence and, recommendations while providing value to their audience through relevant and useful product recommendations.

To monetize a YouTube channel, and start earning money from your content there are several requirement that you need to be met. YouTube has set these requirement to ensure that channels are established and, adhere to their guidelines. Let take a closer look at the requirement for monetizing a YouTube channel.

1. YouTube Partner Program. To monetize your YouTube channel you need to join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). This program allow creators, to earn money through various monetization features such as, displaying ad on their video, channel membership, Super Chat and, YouTube Premium revenue.

2. Eligibility Requirements. To be eligible for the YouTube Partner Program you must need to meet the following requirements.

Watch Time. Your channel must reach 4000 watch hours in the past 12 months.
Subscribers. You will need to have at least 1000 subscribers on your YouTube
channel. Community Guidelines and Copyright Compliance. Your channel must comply with all of YouTube Community Guidelines and, copyright rules.

3. AdSense Account. For you to start receiving payment you will need to have an AdSense account, linked to your YouTube channel. AdSense is Google advertising platform, that allow you to earn money from ad displayed on your videos.

4. Content Monetization Policies. YouTube has specific policies regarding the type of content that can be monetized. It important to review and, adhere to these policies to ensure that your content is eligible for monetization. Generally, content should be original, adhere to copyright laws and not violate YouTube community guidelines.

5. Geographical Availability. Monetization features might not be available in all countries. Before applying for the YouTube Partner Program, make sure that your country is eligible for monetization.

6. Continuous Compliance. Once you have been accepted into the YouTube Partner Program it important to continue following YouTube guidelines and, policies. Failure to comply with these guidelines, may result in the suspension or, removal of monetization features from your channel.

Growing a YouTube channel and increasing earnings requires a strategic approach, consistent effort and a focus on audience engagement. Here are some key strategies to help you achieve that.

Firstly it essential to define your target audience. By understanding who your content is aimed at, you can create videos that cater to their interest, preference and needs. This targeted approach will help you attract and retain a loyal subscriber base who are more likely to engage with your content and contribute to your earning.

Consistency is crucial when it comes to content creation. Regularly uploading high-quality videos not only keeps your audience engaged but also help boost your channel’s visibility. YouTube algorithm favors channels with consistent uploads and increased watch time contributes to higher ad revenue and, other monetization opportunities.

Optimizing your video titles, descriptions and tags is another key aspect of growing your channel. Conduct keyword research to identify popular search terms relevant to your content. Incorporate these keywords strategically in your metadata to improve your video’s discoverability in YouTube search results, attracting more viewers and potential earnings.

Engaging with your audience is vital for building a loyal community. Responding to comments, asking for feedback, and encouraging viewers to like, share, and subscribe fosters a sense of connection and loyalty. Building an engaged community not only increases watch time but also helps your channel grow through word-of-mouth and social sharing.

Promoting your video on YouTube is another effective way that you can use to increase your channel reach. Share your video on other social media platform add them on your website or blog and, collaborate with other YouTubers or influencers in your niche. This cross-promotion exposes your content to new audience and can lead to increased views and, potential earning.