
Hotel Aaculaax: A Unique and Eco-Friendly Boutique Hotel in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Aaculaax Hotel

Hotel Aaculaax is a small and family-operated boutique hotel in San Marcos La Laguna, a wellness town on the shore of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Hotel Aaculaax is also known as Lush Atitlan, because of its lush and beautiful gardens and surroundings. Hotel Aaculaax is a place for travelers who appreciate comfort, art, and nature.

In this article, we will tell you more about Hotel Aaculaax, its history, its features, and its services. We will also tell you how to book your stay, how to get there, and what to do in the area. We hope this article will help you discover Hotel Aaculaax and enjoy your visit to Lake Atitlan.

The History of Hotel Aaculaax

Hotel Aaculaax was founded by a couple, Evan and Aacua, who moved to San Marcos La Laguna in 2003. They bought a piece of land on the mountain side, overlooking the lake, and started to build their dream home. They used natural and recycled materials, such as bamboo, stone, wood, and glass, and followed the organic shape of the land. They also planted many trees, flowers, and vegetables, creating a natural reserve and a permaculture garden.

Over the years, they expanded their home, adding more rooms, suites, and common areas, and inviting guests to stay with them. They also added more artistic and creative touches, such as sculptures, paintings, mosaics, and murals, making each space unique and colorful. They also added more eco-friendly and sustainable features, such as solar panels, water treatment systems, and biodegradable products.

Today, Hotel Aaculaax is a cozy and charming boutique hotel, with 10 rooms and suites, a restaurant, a spa, and a yoga studio. It is also a co-creation platform, where guests can participate in workshops, events, and activities, related to art, culture, wellness, and transformation. Hotel Aaculaax is a place where guests can relax, connect, and inspire.

The Features and Services of Hotel Aaculaax

Hotel Aaculaax offers a variety of features and services to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable. Here are some of the features and services that you can find at Hotel Aaculaax:

  • Rooms and Suites: Hotel Aaculaax has 10 rooms and suites, each with a different design, size, and view. All rooms and suites have private bathrooms, hot water, Wi-Fi, and balconies or terraces. Some rooms and suites also have fireplaces, kitchenettes, or jacuzzis. The prices range from $60 to $150 per night, depending on the season and the room type.
  • Restaurant: Hotel Aaculaax has a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as snacks and drinks throughout the day. The restaurant offers a variety of dishes, using fresh and organic ingredients from the garden or the local market. The restaurant also caters to different dietary preferences, such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or raw. The restaurant has a cozy and rustic atmosphere, with a fireplace, a bar, and a view of the lake.
  • Spa: Hotel Aaculaax has a spa that offers massages, facials, and other treatments, using natural and homemade products. The spa also has a sauna, a steam room, and a jacuzzi, where you can relax and detoxify. The spa has a tranquil and soothing ambiance, with candles, aromas, and music. The spa is open from 9 am to 6 pm, and you can book your appointment at the reception.
  • Yoga Studio: Hotel Aaculaax has a yoga studio that offers yoga classes, meditation sessions, and other workshops, related to wellness and spirituality. The yoga studio is a spacious and bright room, with wooden floors, mats, cushions, and props. The yoga studio also has a stunning view of the lake and the volcanoes. The yoga studio is open from 7 am to 7 pm, and you can check the schedule and the prices at the reception.
  • Other Features and Services: Hotel Aaculaax also offers other features and services, such as laundry, parking, security, tours, transportation, and more. You can also enjoy the common areas, such as the lounge, the library, the garden, and the terrace, where you can read, chat, or admire the view. You can also participate in the events and activities that Hotel Aaculaax organizes, such as art exhibitions, cultural festivals, music concerts, and more.

How to Book Your Stay at Hotel Aaculaax

If you want to book your stay at Hotel Aaculaax, you can do it online, by phone, or by email. Here are the contact details of Hotel Aaculaax:

You can also check the availability, the rates, and the reviews of Hotel Aaculaax on Tripadvisor or [Booking.com]. You can also follow Hotel Aaculaax on [Facebook] or [Instagram] to get updates and news.

How to Get to Hotel Aaculaax

Hotel Aaculaax is located in San Marcos La Laguna, a small town on the shore of Lake Atitlan, in the western highlands of Guatemala. To get to Hotel Aaculaax, you need to get to Lake Atitlan first, and then take a boat to San Marcos La Laguna. Here are some ways to get to Lake Atitlan from different places:

  • From Guatemala City: You can take a shuttle bus, a private taxi, or a rental car from Guatemala City to Panajachel, the main town on Lake Atitlan. The trip takes about 3 to 4 hours, depending on the traffic and the road conditions. The shuttle bus costs about $25 per person, the private taxi costs about $100 to $150, and the rental car costs about $40 to $60 per day. You can also take a flight from Guatemala City to Guatemala City, which takes about 20 minutes and costs about $150 per person.
  • From Antigua: You can take a shuttle bus, a private taxi, or a rental car from Antigua to Panajachel. The trip takes about 2 to 3 hours, depending on the traffic and the road conditions. The shuttle bus costs about $15 per person, the private taxi costs about $80 to $100, and the rental car costs about $40 to $60 per day.
  • From Quetzaltenango: You can take a shuttle bus, a private taxi, or a rental car from Quetzaltenango to Panajachel. The trip takes about 3 to 4 hours, depending on the traffic and the road conditions. The shuttle bus costs about $20 per person, the private taxi costs about $100 to $120, and the rental car costs about $40 to $60 per day.

Once you get to Panajachel, you need to take a boat to San Marcos La Laguna. The boat ride takes about 30 to 40 minutes and costs about $3 to $5 per person. The boats leave every 20 to 30 minutes, from 6 am to 6 pm. You can also take a private boat, which costs about $20 to $30.

When you get to San Marcos La Laguna, you need to walk to Hotel Aaculaax, which is about 10 to 15 minutes away from the dock. You can also take a tuk-tuk, which is a small and colorful three-wheeled vehicle, which costs about $1 to $2.

What to Do in the Area

Hotel Aaculaax is located in a beautiful and peaceful area, where you can enjoy nature, culture, and adventure. Here are some of the things that you can do in the area:

Explore the town: San Marcos La Laguna is a small and charming town, where you can find cafes, restaurants, shops, and markets. You can also find holistic centers, spas, and yoga studios, where you can relax and heal. You can also visit the church, the park, and the mural, where you can learn about the history and the culture of the town.

  • Enjoy the lake: Lake Atitlan is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, surrounded by volcanoes and mountains. You can enjoy the lake by swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, or boating. You can also visit the other towns and villages around the lake, such as San Pedro, San Juan, Santa Cruz, and Santiago, where you can find different attractions and activities.
  • Hike the mountains: The area around Hotel Aaculaax is full of mountains and trails, where you can hike and enjoy the views. You can hike to the Indian Nose, a peak that looks like a nose, where you can see the sunrise or the sunset. You can also hike to the Cerro Tzankujil, a nature reserve, where you can find a platform, a swing, and a diving board, where you can jump into the lake.
  • Learn the language: The area around Hotel Aaculaax is home to the Kaqchikel people, one of the indigenous groups of Guatemala. You can learn their language, which is called Kaqchikel, by taking classes or by talking to the locals. You can also learn Spanish, which is the official language of Guatemala, by taking classes or by practicing with the locals.


Hotel Aaculaax is a unique and eco-friendly boutique hotel in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. It is a place where you can enjoy comfort, art, and nature. It is also a place where you can learn, grow, and transform.

If you are looking for a different and memorable online shopping experience, you might want to visit Hotel Aaculaax’s website and check out their products and services. You can also follow them on social media to get updates and news.

We hope this article helps you discover Hotel Aaculaax and enjoy your visit to Lake Atitlan.

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